Run Away v3.7 is in the works


Run Away (formerly "RUN") has been in the works for 2 years now. It started as an entirely different game, and then I decided to rewrite it. That was Run Away 2. Then, a little over a year ago, I began working on Run Away 3. Run Away 3 has been the longest project I've worked on, and is the best game I've ever worked on. 

Run Away 3.7

Recently I've been switching from frequent major releases to lots of small releases. There were 7 minor releases in just 3.5, and even though 3.6 has only had 2 minor versions and I'd like to have at least 5 before another major release, this update is too big to wait.

When I first made Run Away 3, I had no idea how a gun actually worked. As a consequence, the gun firing and reloading system is... a bit unrealistic.

That's why update 3.7 will be the Gun Revamp update, changing how almost all guns work. The gun firing mechanism has almost entirely not changed in 2 years, and this will be the change. 

It's about right for the sniper and single-fire shotgun, but other than that it's completely wrong and requires me changing a large portion of the code. 

The new features will be:

  • A new gun: the semi-automatic revolver, capable of dealing major damage but with a long reload every 6 bullets
  • Guns now have magazines instead of reloading after every fire
  • Instead of picking up cartridges you pick up magazines and clips
  • The pistol is now semi-automatic
  • The assault riffle is now fully-automatic
  • The single-fire shotgun is getting a redesign, cause I think a slightly elongated pistol barrel doesn't cut it anymore


RUN AWAY v3.6.2.html [OLD] 4.5 MB
Jun 07, 2024

Get Run Away v3.7

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